Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sometimes your driveway and sidewalks are the last places you would think that needs to be cleaned, but over time your concrete is attracting dirt, mold & oil and its being walked right into your home on your shoes. Cape Fear Pro Wash can safely remove those dirty stains and restore your concrete to its original look making your home more appealing and safer for everyone to walk and play on. 
Your concrete should be cleaned by a trained professional and by a company that is insured, like Cape Fear Pro Wash. Your $99 house wash and driveway cleaning might sound like a deal, but can leave you spending more in repairs then it would have costs you to clean your property right the first time. 

If you own a business and have a store, whats the first thing customers see when they walk into your store? Your sidewalks and storefront! Not only is it an eye sore to see gum and dirty oily concrete, but it can also be a safety hazard and could create a potential for someone to slip and get hurt. Using our specially blended soaps, we properly clean your concrete using HOT water lifting all the oils, dirt, mold & remove the gum from your concrete leaving a more appealing look to your customers.

Call today to get more information or visit our website & like us on Facebook.